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The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos offers expanded daily support, guidance, and inspiration to our teachers. It consists of The Foundation, three research-based volumes that provide the “what” and “why” of responsive caregiving, and The Daily Resources, which offer the important “how” to help foster children’s learning and growth.

The Foundation provides the theory and research base of the curriculum and helps our teachers set up their classrooms. It contains everything our teaching staff needs to know to offer nurturing, language-rich routines, and meaningful experiences to our youngest learners.

The Daily Resources give expanded daily guidance in the form of Intentional Teaching Card, Mighty Minute, and additional daily teaching tools. These resources offer a wealth of ideas for filling every day with meaningful and engaging routines and experiences for the youngest children in our program.


With an emphasis on warm, secure relationships built on trust, infants at our program feel free to interact, explore, and discover. Contact with our qualified, caring teachers helps them develop the ability to connect with others as they grow up. The typical day for our infants centers on routines. Activities such as hellos and goodbyes, eating, diapering, napping, and dressing make up the curriculum to help them learn and develop at their own pace as they begin to explore the world. Some other activities include: tummy time, singing, finger play, reading stories, playing ball, blowing bubbles, outdoor play, buggy rides, and creative art activities. Our low staff to infant ratio allows plenty of time for one-on-one cuddling. Personal cribs and separate eating and play areas allow our infants to follow individualized schedules.


Toddlers and twos are no longer babies; therefore, we emphasize independence to let them be curious while building skills and coordination. At this stage, children build friendships and rely more on communication as their language develops. Through age-appropriate activities, our teachers encourage growth and exploration, particularly of the sights, sounds, and textures around them. Some of the activities they engage in include: outdoor play, art and sensory experiences, doing puzzles, reading, housekeeping, using play dough, and playing with musical instruments. Our low staff to toddler ratio fosters social/emotional development and provides plenty of hands-on attention. A nutritious breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack are included to keep our toddlers energetic and ready to learn.